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A.B.   1971        Boston College           Psychology

M.A.  1973        Univ of Maryland        Biopsychology

Ph.D. 1976       Univ of Maryland        Counseling Psych


Professional Licensure:

Maryland (1983) DC (1987) Arizona (1977-1987)


Honors and Awards:

National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalist (1966)

Honors Program, Boston College

Scholar of the College, Boston College, 1970-71

Cum laude graduate, Boston College, 1971


Professional Affiliations:

Member, American Psychological Association (APA)

Member, Division on Psychotherapy, (Division 29, APA)



Reviewer and Consulting Editor, Psychotherapy, Official Journal of APA Division 29 (Peer-Reviewed), 2003-16.


Fago, D.P. (2011). Co-Morbid Psychopathology and Re-Offense Risk Across the Life-Span of Sexual Offenders. In B. Schwartz (Ed.), Handbook of Sex Offender Treatment, Civic Research Press, New York, New York.


Fago, D.P. ( 2009). Comment: The emvidence-based treatment debate: Toward a dialectical rapprochement. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training , 46(1).


Fago, D.P. (2006). Comorbid psychopathology in child, adolescent and adult sexual offenders. In Hilarski, C. & Wodarski, J. (Eds.). Comprehensive mental health practice with sex offenders and their families, Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Press.


Fago, D.P. (2004). Book Review: Sexual Disorders: Perspectives on Diagnosis and Treatment, Peter Fagan, Ph.D. The Maryland Psychologist, September/October.


Fago, D.P. (2003). Evaluation and treatment of neurodevelopmental deficits in sexually aggressive children and adolescents. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 34(3), 248-257.


Fago, D.P. (1999). Co-morbid Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in sexually aggressive children and adolescents. In B. Schwartz (Ed.),The Sexual Offender, Volume 3, Civic Research Institute. Also abstracted in ATSA Forum, 11(1), Spring, 1999.



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